I’m sick so I get to wear this clothes all day :3

Academic Authenticity Warning

What is with the harassment from WGU over little things. Now you are not allowed to exit your test?? This is nuts! I thought you receive warnings for cheating NOT exiting your test. Maybe if they would hire competent proctors who don’t fall asleep during the exams and disappear then maybe there wouldn’t be a problem. WGU is full of a bunch of crazies

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Navy-marked PBJ-1 (B-25) north of LA

Paying back frontier and taxes?

So I got this tax form, I was wondering if anyone knows how it will work. If I intend on paying frontier back and leaving the program, could they in theory correct this form? Just trying to figure out how to not pay taxes on money that I intend to pay back. Basically, this 12k counts as income, which, would technically be considered more of a loan if they request the money back upon me leaving the program.

Post-work productivity…how do you do it?

I work a standard office job, Monday-Friday. It’s as thrilling as it sounds. After work, I go to the gym, shower eat blah blah blah, and ideally I would like to read or study language until I go to bed. But I find myself watching mindless videos or scrolling on my phone cause my brain feels fried. Any tips?

Statue of John Brown Pixel 7a

Letter from the new Task Force to CIA director John Ratcliffe asking him for a UAP briefing ASAP with whatever documents are in his custody, classified or not. Letter also mentions the Task Force is authorized to examine the release of documents pertaining to “existence of extra-terrestrial life”.

30 [M4F] NYC - Chilly Days makes for Warm Conversations

For starters, I'm a recently turned 30 year old man living in NYC. I would say I'm a pretty relaxed person that enjoys going out as well as staying at home being cozy. I'm 6 feet tall, Caucasian, have blonde hair (like my username), wear glasses, usually clean shaven but trying out a beard this season to see how that goes and in good shape (at 195 lbs at the moment). Would be happy to exchange pics once we start talking. For fun, I do alot of different things. Traveling is something I have been doing more often nowadays and have a few trips planned for next year to Asia and Europe! I do a few trips domestically to different states and want to visit more of the West Coast and Midwest sometime next year. I really enjoy music and go to concerts. All different types of genres are good with me and would listen to it at least once. My last favorite genre is country but if you have some bangers for country or any other genres (love alt rock, electro, indie rock) then feel free to share! Love to go to concerts whenever a band that I love comes to town. I do a bit of dancing here and there for fun and been trying to learn salsa. It's a work in progress haha As my username, I'm a bit of a weeb with reading a ton of manga. I don't really watch as much anime as I used to but do keep up with the popular ones that come out. Big board game lover and do play video games too. They are mostly indie or RPGs but the current favorites for me are Slay the Spire, Hades and Fallout New Vegas. Other things that I enjoy are cooking, baking and trying to relearn my guitar If what you read vibed with you or are interested, feel free to give me a message! Mainly looking for 24+ and on the east coast but don't mind if you are somewhere in the US


More Strawberry Shortcake Wallpapers

These were posted today so figured I’d share! Enjoy! 🍓

(Selling) xbox only

The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring (extended) The lord of the rings: the two towers (extended) The lord of the rings: the return of the king (extended) The hobbit: an unexpected journey (extended) The hobbit: the desolation of smaug (extended) The hobbit: threw battle of the five armies (extended) $5 or 2 for 7.50 (cash app ONLY)

Anyone here ever replaced a Series X disk drive?

Much to my dismay, my Series X disk drive has spent more time completely non functional than it ever has working. And the only thing I want to use it for is watching DVDs and Blu Rays. I’ve looked into it and the process seems a bit convoluted. Anyone here who has replaced one successfully that could offer advice or even say if it was as hard as it looks or not?

Jasper Red Wreck to Silver Pearl Swagger: When Life Smashes Your Ride, You Level Up.

Six months with my 2022 Corolla Hatchback (petrol, *Jasper Red*) — pure joy, zero regrets. Then some genius blew a red light and turned it into abstract art. Walked away clean (Toyota’s safety game is unreal 💥), but the car? Toast. Insurance cut a check, so I doubled down: just scooped its 2025 hybrid successor in *Silver Pearl*. Same hatchback hustle, now hybrid-smooth and twice as mean. Call it a glow-up: traded battle-scarred red for frosty metallic silver, like swapping a band tee for a tailored suit. RIP Jasper Rocket… Silver Surfer 2.0 is here, and it drinks gas like a sommelier sips wine. Hybrid torque’s a quiet flex, and this paint? Looks like liquid mercury. Name the upgrade — go wild. ![img](3ep67v8lqlie1)

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate monday.com 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate monday.com 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

The Good, the Bad and a Combine? #shorts

Kenny bounce - now

Aitah and ungrateful for feeling this way?

My parents have completely isolated me from the rest of the world.

I am an eldest daughter in a south Asian household (17f). My parents immigrated to Europe two years before I was born then I was the only child for 7 years. During those times I had no friends as I was heavily bullied in elementary school, no cousins and no one else to really play with me, my dad was mostly at work and he despised my mom for having a daughter and they would regularly get physical. My parents are somewhat wealthy back home and my dad would constantly scream at my uncles back home, my mom never approved of them or my grandparents or cousins so I only grew up to believe that they were evil. I also barely ever interacted with my mom's side cousin and aunts and uncles as my mom was never really close to them and they don't care to reach out or stay in touch with any of us. Then the bullying continues to primary school as my parents forced me to put the hijab on at 7, the physical fights between my parents stopped and here came the religious trauma for me. The few friends that I made along the way from faith groups, never really treated me well. When my brother came along, my mom thought maybe now my dad would pay attention to us instead of his family back home as he just got a son, but that never came true. I had two more siblings. Then I immigrated to another country. Here my parents didn't speak a word of English and I had to constantly call council,water/energy/gas suppliers as well as translate government files. In these 9 years that I have immigrated to this country my parents did not make an effort to learn the language, and they're religion extrimism grew as they critised the same country they're licing in that has been providing them with benefits and money despite my dad not working for over 3 years. I was forced to attend a religious school where every friend that I made I had to leave becse my mother convinced me they were bad for me, I started to cut myself, grew depressive and never did anything that someone my age does for example going out with friends, going to a nice restaurant or holidaye with family. Haven't spoken to my extended family in years, and they also never reach out, everyday I wish I had an older sibling to rely on, maybe grandparents or even cousins I could reach out to. I am constantly labelled as selfish, a disgrace and a mistake by my parents. Did I mention getting sexually assaulted at age 7 by a close family member from which I am still traumatised. Now that I go to a grammar school I would love to have friends and go out but the trauma and guilt eats me up every single time. Ik my dad doesn't have a job and we're barely surviving but I wanna go out and eat and buy clothes. As the eldest daughter they have huge expectations from me such as handling the family when they're old, caring for my siblings idk if I'll ever be able to survive on my own without anyone. I ammm sooo so lonely and isolated. Ps: pls don't suggest moving out, I'm already planning to ( Religious/immigrant parents traumatized the heck out of me and now I am responsible for all of my siblings)

Associates in Nursing but a bachelors in something different?

I’m currently in school for my ADN and I have one year left before I graduate. My long term goal was Nursing Informatics. The longer I do this I realize the impact of stress on my body and nursing is a very stressful. I have had to give up my medical marijuana and often have night terrors again due to PTSD. Is there anyway to pivot out of healthcare? Could I finish my associates degree of science in nursing and do a bachelors in something else like business? Is there any degree that nursing prerequisites transfer into? Any advice is appreciated!

Getting a lower LOC rate?

I have 3 lines of credit all in the $5k range with rates at P + 6% offered to me during the spiking rates (2022-2023). I've never used any of them. I keep them solely as an emergency option. However I'm looking at them and the current prime rates wondering if there is a way to prime the P +6% to P +1-2% as then it is less of a hit if I ever needed one. Is cancelling and hoping for a retention offer later on or applying a better option? Not sure how I'd go about reducing the rate on these or even if I can.

Tactical femboy :3


Bakit sabi nila sa akin maarte daw ako? kase sa isang araw minsan dalawang beses ako naliligo lalo na kapag may pasok ako, like bago pumasok tyaka pag uwe hindi ako dumederetso higa sa kama ko with the outside clothes talagang sa sahig ako humihiga kapag galing ako sa labas tas gusto kong mahiga higa before cleaning my selfHAHAHA! pag wala naman pasok isang beses lng pero pag nalabas ako 'di parin ako nahiga sa kama ko agad pag galing sa labas HAHAHHAAHHAHA feeling ko lahat ng mga alikabok galing sa labas malilipat sa higaan ko. take note every week ko nilalabhan yung mga BEDSHEEETTTS KOOO. hindi rin madami damit ko and okey lang sya kapag llabas at pambahay na mga damit( yez outfit repeater ako).

川普越來越不耐煩 會見約旦國王施壓收容加薩人 阿拉伯國家堅決反對

美國總統川普11日在白宮會晤約旦國王阿布杜拉二世(King Abdullah II)持續施壓約旦收容巴勒斯坦人,以利美國接管加薩進行重建。阿布杜拉二世重申堅決反對遷離巴勒斯坦人,並且強調這是阿拉伯國家一致的立場。 路透報導,即使在阿布杜拉二世面前,川普依然表示不會放棄接管加薩的構想,他認為就算現在約旦有不同看法,最終約旦與埃及都會同意安置流離失所的加薩人,並且提到兩個國家都仰賴華府的經濟和軍事援助。 阿布杜拉二世隨後則表示已向川普重申反對遷離巴勒斯坦人的堅定立場。他在X上的一篇貼文說:「這是阿拉伯國家的統一立場,重建加薩而不強行遷離他們,並解決嚴重的人道危機,這應該是所有人的首要任務。」 路透描述,川普越來越不耐煩。會晤中,川普一度要阿布杜拉二世表態接收加薩人,阿布杜拉二世則說多個阿拉伯國家將向華府提出替代方案,他說:「關鍵是如何以對每個人都有利的方式來實現這一點。」他看起來有些不自在,並沒有明確說出支持或反對川普的計畫。

General Eating Guidelines?

Hello, new here. Taking 5th dose of Zepbound tonight, moving from 2.5 to 5. I wasn't previously interested in these meds since so many are using them as a way to heavily restrict for IWL, but became interested when I began hearing about benefits for the dopamine/reward system, since I believe my ADHD is the root cause of my BED and associated health issues. Adderall has been helpful at reducing food noise during the day, but after it wears off at night the food noise is very loud, so I still binge, just not as much as before. I am hopeful that the Zepbound will help treat the root cause more consistently and lead to improved health. I won't be sad if I slowly lose weight in the process but it is not my focus. I see a lot of people here and elsewhere talking about upping protein, fiber, and water intake, taking various supplements, doing different things on different days, etc. My question is whether these come from some sort of general eating guideline for these medications, or whether they are more individualized gentle nutrition adjustments based on side-effects? Are the general guidelines any different from what is typically considered supportive of optimal health? Is it all just trial and error? I hope these questions makes sense. Specifically, I'd like to know if there is some sort of recommendation overall of making sure you get a minimum of x amount of protein, x amount of fiber, x amount of water in order to avoid/minimize side-effects, you'll need more of this on these days, and here's what you do if you experience various symptoms. Something written out from a trusted non-diet source. I've made an appointment with my ED/HAES RD (sub-specialty GI issues), whom I haven't seen for a while, for help with managing side-effects, making sure I'm eating enough, etc. She's happy to work with me, but says she isn't super experienced with these medications and hasn't heard anything about people experiencing things like reduction of compulsive behaviors, improvements in mood, cognitive function, etc. Is there any literature around these things for professionals? Thanks much!

Oldish man finds young girl. Thinks she is swell, has to wait till she looks like him to pursue a romance even if he doesn't remember her. She remembers and saves her family.

year 2 which one is better


Are they swiping behind your back? 🤔 Enter their name to reveal the shocking truth about their online activity! 😱

Are they swiping behind your back? 🤔 Enter their name to reveal the shocking truth about their online activity! 😱

VSCode + LLMs for full-code analysis & refactoring – suggestions?

The new LLMs have such large context windows and so much coding experience that the old GitHub Copilot and similar autocomplete on steroids tools look like kids toys. What do you use to interact with o1/o3-mini or Claude Sonnet but not only on the autocomplete level, but from architecture and refactoring perspective. For example I was asked to add a feature to an internal tool that no one has touched in a long time and the original author is long gone. What I want is to use VSCode + some plugin, or a completely separate IDE or tool, point it to the codebase and say: *Analyse the code and tell me how to change it to do XYZ.* I'm asking about tooling, not discussing governance of this (it's approved). Ideally we'll want to pay the AI APIs per token directly not a monthly subscription for a tool but open to all suggestions.